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Three Ways to Connect with Potential Clients via Twitter

The world of Social Media can be a scary one. Companies worry about the vulnerability of being on the world wide web. However, these days if you don’t take control of your own image on social media others will do it for you. Twitter is an ideal platform for crafting your online personality and establishing relationships potential clients.  Here are three ways to get your content in front of your targeted audience via Twitter.

Likes, re-tweets and favourites.

To be done sparingly, you don’t want to look like spam or be overwhelming. Its a good way to make your target contact aware of your presence.


These are great for connecting with other businesses and getting your message out there. We recommend being involved in one or two a week. Quite simply selling your service or product.


Whenever someone follows you always reply thanking them. Shows you have an active account and not just a bogus business account. Create interesting content, show you are online to create a buzz around your business, not just to generate sales.

Interested in connecting to potential clients via Twitter, but don’t think you have the time or skills to master it? We can help! Numagoo implements and maintains a variety of businesses social media platforms. For more information complete this contact form and we will get back to you!